April 09, 2010

One Nation Under Dog...

The book I'm reading right now is called One Nation Under Dog: Adventures in the New World of Prozac-Popping Puppies, Dog-Park Politics, and Organic Pet Food. It starts with the author promising to his wife that they wouldn't become those people after adopting their St.Bernard. Those people who buy the Kong chews when a dog would prefer something a whole lot cheaper. Travelling en masse (leaving the family pet is no longer an option). Spending money on pet health insurance when we don't have a dental plan ourselves. Anyway, you get the drift...

April 08, 2010

I want pictures!

Grrr...I have some great stories to tell. Well, things that I feel like writing about anyway. Unfortunately, I think my monthly gigs are almost up (that's what I get for downloading all those audiobooks); it looks as though I'll have to call to get some more internet usage, then write my stories. I have pictures that they just won't do without. Tomorrow night, I suppose.


April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

These days it gets bright around 4:30 in the morning; I know this because I've been staying up way too late and sleeping away most of the day. And, if you can believe it, this is not not the worst habit I have! Fortunately, the curtains I have keep out the sun,

April 03, 2010

New stuff...

So, I'm back! Yes, it's true...your wayward Pangnirtung blogger has been AWOL for, truthfully, no good reason. It's the strangest thing; though recordable things have happened, I haven't actually added anything here for 2 weels. Part of the reason for this is, I think, because I've been on a less 'rigid' schedule than regular.